"The Shaman’s Territory is not a place of imagination but rather it is the non-materiality, the in-visioning, of the world we experience daily. A bridge between potential and concrete reality. It is a playground where Love shape-shifts into an infinite number of landscapes and intersections of meaning to meet our mind’s expectations and bounded rationality. It is the perfect place to learn how to grow our personal and planetary evolution, consciously."
- Holly Baade, The Joyful Warrior
Joyful Warrior
Shaman School
Hi. My name is Holly Baade. I am a spirit-initiated shaman.
I have worked for nearly 20 years as a shaman, training evolving shamans for 10 yeas. I’ve worked for another 10 years prior as a corporate leadership development consultant and I understand how to teach through experiential means at a master-level.
The mission of our school is to heal people and the planet. We ae located in Bali. There is no better place to learn how to speak to the spirits than on The Island of the Gods. We also offer online programming in a friendly accessible way that doesn’t overstate our gifts and somehow stand above your own. We are dedicated to helping millions of people around the world embrace their shamanic gifts as equals.
“Becoming a shaman is the most natural step in our human evolution.
We are meant to see with the heart.” - The Joyful Warrior
They say becoming a shaman is “a calling.”
As a shaman who found my way through an arduous journey that brought me to my knees, crying, then guided me to my heart and soaring, it is my experience that this is true. It is a calling, and one that, when it comes to you, you cannot refuse. When you feel called to become a shaman, if you do not follow through with sincerity and perseverance, a great deal of distress, illness, and confusion in life can befall you.
There are many stories of shamans — old and new, generational and spontaneous, tribal and urban — that describe in great detail how they were called to this path with a sense of urgency and report that, if they did not answer, their lives were destroyed or made very difficult. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual tradition in recorded human history. Shamans have been both revered and feared, celebrated and targeted. Some have been identified young as children within a tribe baring the gift of sight, while others have found their gifts through illness and near-death experiences. Some have been exiled from their tribes when misfortune came that they could not cure, and many tribal shamans were the first to be killed by conquering forces in order to cut the community's connection with empowering resources.
Within the spiritual world, there are many dimensions of reality. It is designed as nested holons. There is Love - the totality of the universal consciousness and God's mind, which encompasses all there is. There is the multitude of galaxies and multiverses within all there is. There are the spirits that stand behind everything that has a form and give form to everything that has a soul. There are angels and the higher realms where they reside. There are demons and the places where evil hides. There is the soul of this planet and all life forms on it. There are a seemingly infinite, yet still finite, number of personal worlds, or realms of lower-mind, that belong to each human or other form of sentient life that is living or has ever lived. And then, there is the field of the heart.
The field of the heart is the higher-mind of the human when in connection with their soul and spirit. Sometimes called the sacred garden in core shamanic practice, I named it the field of the heart because it is accessed through the technology of shamanic journeying when traveling through the portal of the heart chakra into the soul’s consciousness or by connecting with a body-felt memory of a sacred place in nature that is dear to our heart.13
The field of the heart is a special landscape within the spiritual world because it reflects our body and emotion’s current state of being as well as the library of all our memories — the uplifting and fruitful experiences as well as ones that have created our karmas and samskaras. It is a unique realm that takes shape from a partnership between our earthly soul and heavenly spirit as well as God’s will. Here, our spirit and soul speak to us through enlivened symbolic mindscapes and teach us through body-felt somatic stories. Interestingly enough, it is a protected geography that no other being besides us, our guardian angels and the God-consciousness is allowed to enter unless we expressly extend an invitation.
In this way, the field of the heart is a place in between heaven and earth that is our soul’s personal sphere of safety and sanctuary. It is a place of refuge that we can use as a safe entry and exit point while shamanic journeying, a place to meditate and heal, commune with our soul and spirit, reflect on our physical health and work to heal our karmas and samskaras, or to store gifts that come to us from higher spiritual beings. In essence, it is a magical realm of self-reflection that serves many purposes. Even that of giving us a special place to go just after we transcend this life during our life-review process. One way to look at the field of the heart is as a holographic reality where everything we are inwardly can express itself outwardly. In this way, it is an intelligent and always shapeshifting landscape that we can learn how to find and navigate through shamanic sight that allows us to comprehend in its no-time space what it might take years to learn here on Earth.
So it is here, in this in between place, that someone special lives. An aspect of us that expresses who we would look and feel like now, full of joy, light, health, and strength, if we did not mis-create ourselves through the untruths that dwell in our minds and also in our current world’s many poisons, toxins and imbalances (that come from mis-creations of our minds as well). The part of us that is the pure expression of our spirit, without the distortions about who we are not that come from our current life traumas and from our lifetimes of karmas and samskaras.
The Hawaiians have a special name for this aspect of our immortal self, this untouched aspect of our soul: they call it the 'Uhane Hemolele, the personal Holy Spirit. The 'Uhane Hemolele is the part of ourselves that lives in the spiritual world between Heaven and Earth. It is the part of our consciousness with shape and form, thoughts and feelings, wisdom and knowledge that is the untouched soul; the soul within us never touched by the pain of this or any life, yet carries all of the wisdom and compassion that we have earned through lessons as well as pain and suffering in this and every life.
In the field of the heart, this personal holy spirit can shape-shift and appear to us as many things, perhaps as a column of light, an inspiring animal, a person we have loved who has passed on, or ourselves as a child. However it appears, its true essence is that of who we are now, with the enkindled wisdom and tremendous beauty our soul has received from living lifetime after lifetime in order to learn how to love unconditionally and hold compassion for every living being.
It is this part of us, the personal holy spirit, that is calling to us to open our hearts and become a shaman, a spirit-man, woman, or blended being, because it is this part of us that has a vested interest in being shaped by our good work here and in our future lives, to become the eventual vessel of our pure spirit form.14
We are calling to ourselves, literally, from this part of our untouched soul that has never been harmed directly by the pain and suffering of life, but has all the lessons of our deepest pain and suffering. We are calling to ourselves from this aspect of our future self to remember who we are, so that we can find sanctuary in our star-seed’s sacred plan for our life. This remembering starts with opening the heart, embodying our soul, and learning how to bring our personal holy spirit through our heart as our self.
When we answer this call and begin to heal and see clearly, our personal holy spirit is able to guide our life through synchronicities and faith to magical unfoldings that ensure we are protected, supported, and given everything we need to fulfill our life's purpose with great abundance and positive relationships.
It is this part of us, our personal holy spirit, untouched soul and future self, that is already a shaman in the spiritual world and has the capacity to initiate us and teach us how to become a shaman in the physical world too.
I call this personal holy spirit, “The Shaman in You.”
“The Shaman in You”
Shamanic Mastery Program
The program begins with an introductory workshop to assist students in understanding what it means to see beyond the veil. “The Spirit that Stands Behind” draws our attention beyond form to the formless. It is an initiatory experience and sets the stage for all other trainings.
This workshop is offered once a month in person in Bali and will soon be offered on-line. See below for current details.
After the introductory workshop, there is a year long program, or 12 levels, to move through when you are ready. It is important to take the levels in order as the build one upon the other.
At the end of the 12 Levels there is an opportunity to apply to become a Joyful Warrior Shaman Apprentice for one year and then be selected to work as a Joyful Warrior Shaman.
The 12 Levels are:
1. Sensual Sight: How to awaken the body so it becomes your vessel of perception as well as your temple of soul.
2. Shamanic Flight: How to know “where to go” and “where not to go” in the Shamanic realm. How to develop “discernment” and safety
3. The Field of The Heart: How to create a consistent personal practice, with rituals and prayers, and stay in the conversation with your soul for the strongest possible practice and outcomes.
4. The Sphere of the Soul: How to build the sacred garden and moving in and out of the sphere of the soul so that you can work safely in the Shaman’s Territory.
5. Power, Protection & Support, The Lower World: The Earth’s Consciousness. Animals, Elements and Supernatural Beings are essential for any shaman to work safely and productively.
6. Angels, Avatars & Ancestors, The Upper World: True guidance comes from the highest sources. In this level we meet our ancestors, work with angels, and connect with enlightened cosmic beings.
7. Shamanic Drumming & Soul Songs: The most powerful way to work in the spirit world is to understand the power of vibration and what can come through our voice. With the assistance of the drum, we can alter our consciousness while staying - conscious. With the assistance of song, we can communicate with the spirits instantaneously. All is vibration.
8. Healing Foundations: The basic understanding of how to heal ones’ self and others through shamanic journey work as well as how to begin working as a shaman for people and the planet.
9. Advanced Healing - Soul Retrieval: The ultimate shamanic healing tool to help all people in need of reclaiming their health, happiness and life’s empowerment.
10. Magic & Manifestation: People speak about manifestation and how to achieve it clearly. There is perhaps no greater way to work with manifestation power than to do so in a shamanic way. In this level of training, we are able to use all our skills, very adeptly and create magic for the betterment of our lives, and the world.
11. Working with the Earth: How can a shaman be a governor of the land? What does this look like? Do we always need to get credit for what we do to help others, or the planet? In this level of training, we work with lines of energy in the Earth and use our gifts for creating beauty.
12. Opening to the Mystery & Relaxing into Your Mastery: There is an element of surrender in shamanism. It cannot be spoken of enough or too often. In this part of the training, we discuss how to surrender, what this means and how to live both as a person of great abundance and also not have attachment to anything. In this level we take a bit more time to approach the question of life-coaching from a personal perspective and empower our path from our Holy Spirit.
Interested in Helping the Greater Humanity?
Move through the 12 Levels of The Shaman in You Shamanic Mastery Program and begin working with your chosen group of clients and community to make a difference in the world as a JW Apprentice!
Ready to Begin?
Start Here:
Introductory Training Workshop
The Shaman in You Introductory Workshop is the most important first step because it introduces your mind to a different way to thinking and perceiving the world we live in. Experiential exercises for listening, perceiving and connecting with consciousness instead of with form is a preliminary step to being able to have consistent and reliable shamanic abilities.
In this workshop, we take a step backwards to take a giant leap forwards in cultivating the ability to truly “see” and “speak” with Spirit.
Once you have completed the introductory course you will be invited to register for Level 1!
Saturday, Oct. 5
Please fill out the activating intention statement to speak your desired experience into existence.
Please send your activating exchange of energy (program payment) to confirm your registration.
Activating Intention Form
Activating Exchange Process
Make no mistake, paying for something is placing your magical agreement and your commitment into something. As soon as you pay, you commit to the process of healing your soul through shamanic assistance with Holly. Let your commitment be sincere and in-joy the payment process which is an “Activating Energy Exchange” to pull you into your future in this powerful healing way!
Angelic Invocation/Price List:
Personal Shamanic Healing Sessions
Workshop Price $222 USD | 3.3 M IDR
Angel Number 222
signifies good fortune in finances, relationships, and career, as well as a reminder to work towards your soul's purpose. This number is often associated with the Moon and receiving multiple sources of income. For singles, it is considered as a sign that true love is coming or that a soulmate is near.
Angel Number 33
This angel number 33 a positive and spiritual sign. It's seen as a symbol of guidance, support, and personal growth. Many consider the angel number 33 a positive and spiritual sign. It's seen as a symbol of guidance, support, and personal growth.
Ways Holly can receive your committed payment…
Holly works in Indonesia with the local currency. The best way to transfer funds from your bank of any currency is through Wise transfer. It is safe, secure, encrypted and has low fees. If you happen to live in Bali locally, the easiest way to pay a payment is local bank transfer. Thank you!
Please follow the QR
or go to: https://wise.com/pay/me/hollyb419
Good for all international currency conversion
Please send the payment amount
that matches the type of session you are booking.
**Note: JW Shaman School has a no refund policy
but you may always apply your purchase to another experience.
NUMBER: 9931471209