"May my love be as consistent as the sun's rays, May my discipline be as steady as a hawks gaze,
May my joy be as expansive as the silence when the drum is done. And may my life be a prayer extending the edge of the soul in everyone."
- Holly Baade, The Joyful Warrior
Humanity’s joyful evolution from human to shaman is at the heart of Holly Baade’s teachings as The Joyful Warrior
Through story, song and soulful artistry, Holly shares the wonder and the wisdom of the shaman’s healing vision. Holly works with a global audience and growing network of evolving shamans. For nearly 20 years working as “The Joyful Warrior” Holly has been offering shamanic journeying, shamanic healing, shaman training, health consulting and life coaching. For another 10 years Holly has worked as a corporate leadership consultant. The heart and soul of her work is about healing people and the planet. There are many reasons to choose to work with Holly. First, she sees you in your wholeness, speaking to the soul within you to quicken your healing process. She is able to speak directly to the soul of everything, seen and unseen, instantly. She specializes in removing any energies or consciousnesses that are life destroying and is able to restore people and places to connection with pure Godliness and goodness. She is a master soul retrieval shaman.
The Joyful Warrior Podcast
Pioneering Conversations on Spiritual Development,
Personal Mastery, Community Leadership, &
The Joyful Evolution of You
Enjoy The Official Joyful Warrior Podcast where we delve into the transformative journeys of individuals embracing personal growth through our signature coaching program. Each episode features inspiring stories from participants who share their experiences and breakthroughs, offering insights into the joys and challenges of self-evolution.
We also provide expert advice, tips, and encouragement from our seasoned coaches to help listeners navigate their own paths to fulfilment. Tune in to discover how you can make meaningful investments in yourself and foster a joyful evolution in your life!
—Daniel Barry, III | Father & Dentist
“To me, Holly exemplifies an amazing spiritual life and executive coach being able to look at situations for both personal and work from many angles and come up with inspirations and ideas that can lead to positive changes. Her work as The Joyful Warrior has changed my life. She set me back on a path of true personal healing and empowerment. The soul retrieval she offers is felt immediately. I would have been lost without her help. I recommend her wholeheartedly to anyone looking for inspiration.”
Shamanic Artist & Peace Activist
Holly’s work as The Joyful Warrior is based on the simple idea that joy is infectious and it is healing. Her journey as The Joyful Warrior began as her own spiritual pilgrimage moving from suburban housewife to a widely-recognized authentic shaman. Currently, she is finishing her first book in a series of autobiographies about her shamanic awakening, a true calling that came in an afternoon nap.
Enjoy her musical recordings, on-line journal storybook sharing, tales from the shaman’s territory and follow her political journey as well. Shamans have long been community leaders and Holly can often be seen taking a political stand for justice when it matters most. Holly is here to help those seeking for greater inspiration, health, hope and happiness. She is here to serve as a guide for all those looking for personal empowerment through and find out how to become inspired and Live With Spirit.
Each experience Holly offers opens a portal to where Spirit, lives.
Each program she guides encourages your spirit to become more, alive.
Each event, experience and exploration she leads is a Shamanic Journey in disguise - designed to help you find Your True Nature & Bring Love to Life.What do you do?
Listen to Holly’s Album
The Untouched Soul
The Untouched Soul represents that invincible part of us that remains unscathed. It's our "Bare Bones and Natural Beauty," wild and powerful with innate instincts. This essence often gets lost amidst intense pain but yearns to return. Holly's music caters to lost souls and free spirits, with chants resembling rain and sunlight on window panes.
Each song is "captured" in her heart while she drums with the spirit-winds, offering a prayer and promise to the listener—a drop of nectar to fortify the soul's journey.
Shaman Songs are not flawless; they emerge from shamanic trance states meant for healing both people and the planet. Embrace the irregularities, varying breaths, and occasional off-key notes, as they are integral to the magic of any shamanic journey. Relish in the rawness and natural beauty to find inspiration.
The album features 10 tracks: 6 blend drum and vocals, 1 is an acoustic invocation, and 3 are drum-only for deeper shamanic exploration. For optimal meditation, listen with headphones. Each song is Holly’s prayer for both personal and planetary healing.
- Ayla Luna Rae, Mom & Yoga Teacher
“Her Spirit leads and it is Beautiful. Holly Baade is truly gifted, and does not take her duty lightly, she holds it near, dear and pure. She is a true Healer and Master Shaman. My Sprit spoke to her and she listened. The Spirit of my unborn child spoke and she understood. I was in turmoil a week ago. My baby was breach and I was near homelessness... In one week of following Holly's instructions, and 2 Shamanic sessions, my baby has flipped to a head down position. Sometimes we need help, And that's okay! Not only is it ok it's human. We are not meant to do everything alone. I am so thankful to have a Teacher like Holly. She reawakened a sweetness in me I didn't even know was lost. If you have felt lead to her in any way, please, please do not hesitate to reach out to her. If you need to find your-SELF, she can show you a way...and much, much more.”
Enjoy Holly’s First Music Video
Video shot on private sacred Native American ground in the Tahoe National Forest by special invitation. Photography and sound by Stuart Eastman.
Enjoy following Holly’s journal entries by Holly
Reflections while studying Tai Chi, Hsing-I and Bagua in Taiwan
The only other thing I can really offer for a moment of advice is this - surrendering to our higher spirit’s will and that of God’s for our life is truly the only way to find the feeling of “freedom” on the inside. There is not way out - only a way through to where we all get there to the place we are going. None of us gets to just get-by. We all must try. When we hold hands and step across the line from fear to faith together, we will find a whole new world in this material realm. It will become the one we remember in our hearts and minds from another…. time.
Pele’s Gift
Right away figures in white with no faces or really bodies, just white-light, came towards me and as they touch me my clothes melted away. I then felt bathed in the white energy that pervaded the cave. When this purification moment crescendoed, the beings in white slipped a lovely white lace dress over my head-top.
Open Your Heart with Holly
A Fourth of July Special Open Your Heart with Holly, Vlog. From 2020. What is reality? What do people need to galvanize empowerment? What creates a tipping point in opening up a portal to heaven? Explore these and other topics with The Joyful Warrior.
Spirit Matters
In front of our eyes, are frozen forms. Forms of people, forms of trees, forms of animals, forms of thoughts in the way of words. All are frozen, captured if you will in "this" moment. By the time we see something, we are seeing an effect of that which has moved through the form. And it is already on its way to becoming something else.
What am I to Want?
I am on a ship of sacred Hawaiian warriors. We are as an arrow on the seascape aiming toward the good, although I have no idea where that is. The journey begins with the drum in my hand, singing.
Musings on the Nature of the Shaman’s Territory
We are one soul, on the edge of becoming. We exist in physical form, and also as pure energy. As we expand the edge of soul through our uniquely personal expressions of existence in all of its variety, we intertwine our wants, desires and actions to manifest collectively what tomorrow brings, today. For everything we agree, we see, we are, we become enveloped in. Then we get lost in the story of our own creating. We can’t find out how to make it better, because we are looking for something outside ourselves to fix it. But there is nothing to fix, except how we see it.
Out of Order
We share the same density of the earth. There is no separating ourselves from it. Even if we were to fly off into outerspace, then space would be what we are apart of. Oneness is not an illusion, it is frighteningly real. There is no place to hide or to die to. We are always, consciousness, right here.
A Light (and Owl Goddess) in the Darkness
So I started to sing my power song. And as I sang, visions of those people and those places which I loved and wished to bless – to acknowledge the spirit of – came flashing across my vision and my heart opened and opened and I sang and sang. And I thought, somewhere in the middle of this how this song originated as a melody heard in my heart, just for me. To remind me, if I got lost, how to find my way home. My way back to the light of divine connectivity.
Out of Body in Belize
My body was on the bed, but my consciousness was above myself on the roof of the bungalow. I sped through the roof and out towards the stars and found myself flying with the eagle over peaks and tall pine trees. I found myself thinking that although I felt like this was all real that I must really just be asleep. I could feel my body still asleep on the bed. I could feel the bluster of wind blow by my face as I flew and then ran on the tips of trees. I tried to convince myself that I must be dreaming, even though it felt real because this was so weird. But how could I even be dreaming that I was dreaming?
Spirit Wind
I sat down for a moment, drank some water and began peeling a tangerine when all of a sudden I heard a rusting in the bushes over my right shoulder. At first, I thought it might be a small animal – but then the rustling noise and movement of leaves expanded to perhaps 6 inches across. It sounded like it was building momentum. That’s when it hit me. A burst of Wind.