Musings on the Nature of the Shaman’s Territory
The Shaman’s Territory (Published inJournals, 2013)
The Shaman in Your Training 2016
This is an excerpt from the first draft of my autobiography, which I began writing in 2013 (and then was lost on a stolen laptop in 2016). I have pieced what I had written together a bit now and am weaving these first musings into my autobiography, which will be available for sell Sept. 1, 2023.
The shaman’s territory is not a dream, it is an awakening. An opening of the eye of the heart to see all of reality more clearly. It is a place where the miraculous is ordinary and where the courageous traveler can come to know more fully the nature of existence, the purpose of humanity and the blueprint of the soul they are building. All of life is a journey of spirit in formation. Humanity is light slowed down to a rate of vibration just perfect for saying, “hi” to itself.
We are one soul, on the edge of becoming. We exist in physical form, and also as pure energy. As we expand the edge of soul through our uniquely personal expressions of existence in all of its variety, we intertwine our wants, desires and actions to manifest collectively what tomorrow brings, today. For everything we agree, we see, we are, we become enveloped in. Then we get lost in the story of our own creating. We can’t find out how to make it better, because we are looking for something outside ourselves to fix it. But there is nothing to fix, except how we see it.
There is nothing in the world except for the raw materials of our own god-nature materializing. As we create, so we extend our will into the will of the world. And then the world meets us with equal creativity, showing us what we believe in. The shaman’s path provides leadership because it is a training ground to understand how to create a life with greater consciousness and focusing power. And the shamanic journey reconnecting us to the Earth and to each other harmoniously by reminding us that we are at the point of cause with the world we live in.